Trump 2020 Potential Campaign Slogans

Image may contain Human Person Clothing and Apparel
Photograph by Mandel Ngan / Getty

“Of course he’s running for reëlection.”
   —Sarah Huckabee Sanders, White House deputy press secretary.

Trumpnado 2: Not This Again

2Trump 2Spurious

Trump and Pence’s Bogus Presidency

Air Trump: Orange Retweeter

White House Party 2: Pajama Jammy Jam (FOR TENS ONLY!)

Clear Eyes. Full Hearts. Can’t Impeach.

Solar-Eclipse Glasses Are Fake News! (pre-eclipse slogan)

The Blind Leading the Blind (post-eclipse slogan)

You Will Not Replace Us (Suggested by Some of Trump’s “Very Fine” Friends)

America: Great and Greaterer

With Liberty and Justice for Nobody

Benghazi! E-mails! Crooked Hillary!

She’s Running Again, Right?

When They Go Low, We Go High (Melania’s Suggestion)

Trump Two. Or Is It Trump Too? Trump To!

Securing Our Nonsecure Borders

Securing Our Desecure Borders?

Donald J. Trump: Lincoln Reincarnated

Donald J. Trump: My Crowd Was Bigger Than Lincoln’s

Trump 2020: He’ll DEFINITELY Release His Tax Returns This Time

Trump 2020: Psych! Still Under Audit

I’m the President, So You’re All Losers

Tweeter-in-Chief 2: Next Stop, Emojiville

That’s One Small Step for White Man, One Giant Leap Backward for Everyone Else

Who Else Will I Ban? Stay Tuned to Find Out!

Building a Bridge to the Nineteenth Century

The Non-Democrat Candidate—Need I Say More?

2016: Twitter President; 2020: Snapchat President (You Know You’re Curious)

To Err is Human; To Collude, Divine

With Great Power Comes Great Reprehensibility

“The Apprentice” Season 16: The One Where Ivanka Fires Jared

Seriously? I Didn’t Even Want This Job

Can’t Ivanka Just Do It?