Malcolm Gladwell on School Shootings, and the Return of Paul Schrader

Illustration by Golden Cosmos

What drives a child to massacre his classmates and teachers? Malcolm Gladwell turns to sociology to try to understand the contagion of senseless violence in our schools. The director Paul Schrader talks about his struggles with Hollywood and his new film, starring Ethan Hawke. And Gillian Flynn, Akhil Sharma, and Alison Bechdel describe their most memorable summer jobs.

Malcolm Gladwell on Understanding School Shooters

School shooters have become part of a self-perpetuating subculture, Malcolm Gladwell says.

This episode was originally broadcast on March 11, 2016.

Is Identity Politics Killing the Democratic Party?

A self-described liberal thinks Democrats need to put aside identity politics to focus on winning elections.

This episode was originally broadcast on August 25, 2017.

Paul Schrader: Movies as Religion

For Paul Schrader, movies and religion come from the same place—and should serve the same function in our lives.

Gillian Flynn’s Worst Job

The author of “Gone Girl” and other books puts on a frozen-yogurt costume and wanders the mall, looking for victims.

This episode was originally broadcast on August 25, 2017.

Akhil Sharma Lies His Way Into a Job

Before becoming a writer, Akhil Sharma lied his way into a lucrative job as a banker, spinning stories that played into ethnic stereotypes.

This episode was originally broadcast on August 25, 2017.

Alison Bechdel’s Shortest-Ever Job

Mistaken for a man, the cartoonist Alison Bechdel was offered a few bucks to move a piece of furniture. She took it.

This episode was originally broadcast on August 25, 2017.